Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tis the Season...

Tis the season for ...

  1. Smiling at shop clerks and cashiers even when they give you attitude
  2. Buying a coffee for the person in line behind you just because
  3. Going the extra mile even though its not in your job description
  4. Making cookies & candies from scratch because (a) you always wanted to try it and (b) the little dude can help with the sprinkles (even though most end up in his mouth or on the floor)
  5. Turning off work & what-not to be really be there with your loved ones
  6. Driving around in your PJs to look at the lights
  7. Wrapping gifts to holiday music
  8. Adding bows & ribbons to gifts even though they might not be noticed
  9. Hiding those extra special gifts that Santa will put under the tree
  10. Letting go of grudges, feuds and hard feelings
  11. Holding in that sarcastic reply or put down and then breathing it out
  12. Kissing your spouse with or without mistletoe

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